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Our work has been getting many results and praise. See our reviews below.

Testimonials from a parent in a step ahead tutoring

"My son is improving in Math and ELA. He went from 50s and 60s to 80s and 90s. The tutoring is showing."


Facebook Message: "Hello...just wanted to let you know [my son] got accepted into Urban Academy for law and Justice in downtown bklyn. His history teacher sign him up to take the history regents, she hand picked him because she is confident that he will pass, he has turn a new leaf as he puts it. lol Bless day as always."

- N.A., mother of a 6th grader

Testimonal from our happy clients

"My child received a 3 out of 4 on his math state tests!!!"

- L.R., mother of a 4th grader

Testimonials from our happy client

"Thanks to A Step Ahead Tutoring Services I have been accepted into grad school. My tutor worked with me on my entrance paper diligently explaining all corrections and giving great examples/alternates. I received my paper in a timely manner and believe that the help was definitely worth the price! Get ready because I'll be using you guys again to help with my grad papers!!!"

- J.J., graduate school student

testimonial as the best online tutoring service

"My son never wanted to do his homework, but since his tutor came along, he gets it done right away. I see progress."

- M.R. (# 1), father of a 5th grader

Testimonial from our satisfied clients

"My daughter's tutor was always pleasant."

- Y.O., mother of a 7th grader

A step ahead tutoring is the best for children

"A calm and patient tutor is what I needed for my son and that's what A Step Ahead Tutoring Services gave me. My son is no longer 'promotion in doubt.'"

- D.S., mother of a 3rd grader

The best tutors are here - testimonials

"It's because of my tutor that I have my high school diploma."

- M.S., college student

My tutor understands me - testimonial

"My tutor understands me."

- S.C., 9th grader

The tutors are professional - testimonial

"The tutor made my daughter feel comfortable with her. I also liked the service - very professional."

- A.C., mother of a 7th grader

Outstanding tutors are in a step ahead tutoring

"Our tutor was outstanding. She helped my child read better and now he gets 80s and 90s in school and before she came he was getting 65s and 70s. She is the best tutor I know and I would recommend her to anyone; she gets the job done."

- R.H., mother of an 8th grader

My daughter improved academically - testimonial

"My daughter improved academically according to her teacher. Thank you for your hard work and dedication" and "My daughter earned 100 on a math test. Thanks for your help."

- O.Q., father of a 6th grader

My tutor helped me passed - testimonial

"My tutor really helped me passed my regents. It was 1 hour a week, straight hero work. She was a very good teacher. I was so excited when I passed and it was because of her help. She works very well with youths and is very understandable. I really want to thank her for the wonderful work she did."

- M.R. (# 2), college student

A testimony from satisfied client

Phone text: "thks to you [my daughter] has an A in math god bless and thank you for all your help."

- K.P., mother of a prospective college student

Online tutoring service USA

"[My tutor] was very efficient in assisting my son with a writing project. Patience is her middle name! I look forward to utilizing her services for my other children. I would definitely recommend her."

- N.A., mother of an 11th grader

3rd grade pupil learning

"I'm ahead of everyone in my class because I have a tutor."

- L.H., 3rd grader

best on-site tutoring service

"Effective service and very time conscious. Saw a transformation in my children’s approach to studies and an improvement in their performance at school."

- K.B., father of a 3rd grader

most reliable tutoring service

"My grandson struggled with writing - he never wanted to do it. Then I got a tutor [from A Step Ahead Tutoring Services] and now his writing improved. His handwriting is neater now; it used to be so sloppy."

- M.O., grandmother of a 7th grader

Easiest learning platform

"The tutor had patience. She was professional, always prepared, and friendly. I was pleased with the service; I wouldn't change a thing."

- J.T., mother of a 4th grader

summer coaching for my child

"I got an A+ on my mission statement paper, thanks to my tutor!"

- N.F., college student

7th grade student learning

"I'm doing better in my classes. I'm doing better in Math, English, Social Studies, and Science."

- O.E., 7th grader

happy mom sharing academic success testimony

"My daughter is improving. I wish I started the tutoring sooner."

- S.F., mother of a 2nd grader

effective tutoring service - testimonial

"[My son's tutor] was very well composed. She had a comforting spirit which allowed my son to let all his guards down and trust her. She's a GREAT tutor, one that I'd recommend to anyone. She allowed my son to find his confidence in the classroom. The services provided were GREAT and I wouldn't change a thing."

- E.H., mother of a 3rd grader

efficient learning platform for children

"Let me tell you something - I took my son to three places and he hated all of them. He met his tutor [through A Step Ahead Tutoring Services] and he loves her."

- M.P., father of an 8th grader

best learning platform students

"[My tutor] is a superb person to work with."

- D.H. (# 1), GED student

safe tutoring platform for my daughter

"My daughter scored high on her SATs. She really wanted me to call her tutor and tell her that. I told my daughter, 'colleges will be looking for you now.'"

- L.P., mother of a 12th grader

improve my daughters grade

"Improved daughter's grades drastically."

- S.G., mother of a 5th grader

my son pass exams - testimonial

"The tutor is perfect for my daughter. She's doing her homework more and she's more confident. That's what I want."

- O.C., father of a 10th grader

senior learning platform

"[My tutor] knows how to do her job. She has knowledge of proofreading. Her English is very good."

- O.S., adult student

best coaching for my daughter

"Our 11-year-old daughter has been receiving tutoring with a lovely young lady from A Step Ahead. Gabrielle conducted a very detailed intake interview to determine our needs and did an awesome job matching us with us with a great tutor. This interview was key, as we had already attempted to work with several other tutors who we found online, and had been unable to find a good fit. Now our daughter looks forward to her tutoring sessions, and we have seen significant improvement in her reading comprehension and her self esteem. The prices are also very affordable. We are glad that we found A Step Ahead and highly recommend them."

- L.M., mother of a 5th grader

simplified learning site

"[My tutor showed] easy and effective methods on writing."

- D.H. (# 2), father of a 10th grader

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